Rising Sun Judo Club

The Club is a registered member of the British Judo Association (BJA) and is run under BJA rules. Our BJA registered number is 2501. The BJA is the only governing body for judo in the United Kingdom which is recognised by the Government.
The BJA is affiliated to the Sports Council, the British Olympic Association, the European Judo Union, and the International Judo Federation. The British Judo Council (BJC) and the Amateur Judo Association (AJA) are affiliated to the British Judo Association and are the only other recognised judo organisations in the UK.
The Club began in 1990. It has a close association with Worthing Leisure Centre, Sussex County Judo Clubs which is the local County association, and with local BJC & AJA clubs
The club welcomes new players of all ages, though the normal minimum age is 8 years, but we will consider players of 7 years. We are an inclusive club.
"We believe in leading from the front, showing both technical and working judo. If you have any questions, please talk to any of us. We run the club for our members benefit, not profit."
Judo was refined from jujitsu, a comprehensive system of armed and unarmed combat which was developed for over 300 years in Japan from 1532. By 1870 there were several hundred jujitsu schools in Japan. In 1882 Jigoro Kano evolved judo from jujitsu with a system of moves that could be used with safety.
It includes a wide range of throws and physical restraints on the ground. Judo is generally translated as “gentle” from the character “Ju”. However, it is never gentle, and neither is karate or taekwondo. Ju is better translated as supple and requires mobility and movement.
We offer training sessions in different venues on different evenings, to cover different aspects of judo. Players who train more than once a week will progress faster, as with any sport.
SUNDAYS: The Studio, Worthing Leisure Centre, Shaftesbury Avenue, Worthing BN12 4ET
All juniors will start in this session, unless they are big enough to make it more suitable to train with seniors. .
Beginners aged from 8 to 15 will enrol for a 4 week induction course for £25. At the end of your course, you will be able to join our club and we will give you a free judo suit if you continue. The fee is non refundable.
After the first 4 weeks we will switch you to a standing order.
The standing order is £25 per month, or £45 for 2 or more family members.
This session will generally cover more advanced techniques, together with competitive judo.
The standing order will be £30 per month, or £50 per month for 2 or more family members where the second member attends either session.
TUESDAYS: Wick Hall, 76 Wick Street, Littlehampton BN17 7JS
JUNIORS: 18:45 - 19:45 SENIORS 19.45 - 21:15
These sessions are general training sessions covering a range of judo techniques. Seniors will have the opportunity to practice kata, a formalised demonstration of techniques which includes formal etiquette.
These sessions are run separately by Judokan Judo Club under BJC rules, and the training fee is £5 per session payable on arrival.
The club is currently only open in term times.
WEDNESDAYS: Ashington Community Centre, Foster Lane, Ashington RH20 3PG
All ages: 19:45 - 20:45
These sessions are unsuitable for beginners. The focus is on fitness and squad training routines and is a senior session except for individually invited juniors. The minimum grade is orange belt.
The standing order is £55 per month for both the Sunday 75 minute session and the Wednesday 60 minute session, or £60 to include a second family member attending either Sunday session and the Wednesday session.
You will need a judo licence from British Judo which provides insurance cover. This is done online and paid by card. A new licence in 2024 is £31 for a junior and £42 for a senior. This should be done at the end of the first month.
Judo has a system of coloured belts to denote your grade. Your grade denotes your skill level, both technical and physical. The grading fee in 2022 is £14 for juniors and £20 for seniors.
You will need a judo suit, and we have a stock of these. We can advise you on sizes and shrinkage, and a training grade judo suit is from £20 to £35 depending on size.
We allow up to 4 weeks without these items, so you can assess whether you want to continue your judo journey.
You should expect us to teach you a range of judo skills to a level that you want to reach, with individual help as well as learning in a group. From you, we expect regular attendance, attention when on the mat, good behaviour & self-control.
We expect effort. You will only get out what you put into it. You need a clean judo suit, and clean hands & feet. Put your shoes on if you leave the mat - no one wants the dirt from your feet on them.